Since they took over the building in 2009, many improvements have been made. The common areas have been repainted (including the outside balconies). The lobby has been beautifully tiled and new carpeting is on order for the heavily trafficked areas. The new furniture and artwork complement this area, as does the outgoing in the mailbox secured to the wall.
There is a new air conditioner in the lounge where tenants gather to play cards, etc. On the first Monday of the month the lounge is used for ‘Birthday Tea’ when everyone signs a card for those with a birthday in that month. Someone bakes goodies to go with the tea and coffee and we use the best china! This room can be booked by tenants for family parties. At festivals like Christmas and Thanksgiving, management provide the tenants with a sumptuous feast. We contributed some items and desserts.
It seems everyday there is a new touch from Maggie - the delicate curtains in the lounge (or laundry room) – the bench by the front door or the quiet area out back. Maggie always responses cheerfully, but keeps on working hard and constantly to keep the building very clean and tidy.
Jake takes pride in keeping grass, snow and ice under control. He is very prompt to fix any odd job around the apartments – whistling while he works! If he needs help Maggie calls in a professional.
Notices are always in large print and prominently posted. This is a very secure building and conveniently located. There is a bus shelter 15ft. from the back door. Tim Horton’s is a five minute walk.